Sunday, November 11, 2012

Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips

Can I just say one thing? Ouch. I picked up a subscription to Influencer, from the advice of my favorite blogger, I filled out some of the badges, and then forgot about it. Then I got a box! Inside of the book was a full sized sample of Crest 3D Whitestrips. I was so excited that I got started right away. I mean, its catch prase is, "If you're not whitening, you're yellowing!" The first day was fine. It was weird to have them on my teeth, but it was only for a half hour. The second day was fine. It was the third day that it all fell apart. I just got done with a root canal and crowning, so I know what dental pain is. The feeling I had for the 24 hours after I used the strips for the 3rd time was worse then the pain from my root canal. I wasn't sure it was the strips yet though, so I tried them again the next day. The pain was worse. So, upon reading the insert, I noticed that it said that it could cause 'occasional sensitivity' and that I should stop using it for a few days, and then try it again. So, I did. I stopped using it for two days, then tried it again. Within half an hour I was in agony again. This time though, I had to live though a full day of 4th graders. Again, I waited a few days (well, until I had a day sans children). Today I popped a few ibuprofen (just in case) and then put on the strips. I didn't feel the pain right away (thanks pain killers! I'll write a review for you in an instant!), but after church the ibuprofen had worn off and I'm in pain again. At this point, for the sake of my dental health I have to stop. I hope that rating this product down won't affect my ability to try other things out!